Tuesday, November 4, 2008


First there was the snapshot, and then came video. Now there is Photosynth, a new service available at photosynth.com that will change the way you experience and share photos. Microsoft as, “Anybody who sees your synth is put right in your shoes, sharing in your experience, with detail, clarity and scope impossible to achieve in conventional photos or videos
Photosynth is an entirely new visual medium. Photosynth analyzes a set of photos of a place or an object for similarities each other, and uses that data to estimate where a photo was taken and build a model of the subject. It then re-creates the environment and uses that as a canvas on which to display the photos. Photosynth is available for free at photosynth.com, where you can explore creations from users around the world and build synths of your own. Created from a collaboration between Microsoft and the University of Washington, the site is available to use now.
You have to install Photosynth on your machine in order to browse through any of the synths currently on the site. The idea behind this however is pretty cool. You can essentially take a group of pictures of a certain area, and then map them together to create a 360 degree viewing experience.
The application kind of takes the idea of panoramic picture taking to a whole new level. Instead of showing grandma one side on the Grand canyon, you can show he what it looked like from every angle where you were standing, including behind you…pretty cool.

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